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Identify Animal Sounds

What's that sound?! If you've ever been camping, you've probably heard the sounds of some of these animals at night. Play each track below to hear what each animal sounds like.

Here's where each animal can be found:

Spotted Bat—Southwestern United States.

Couch's Spadefoot Toad—Parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Raccoon—Throughout most of the United States.

Barred Owl—Eastern United States.

Coyote—Every state except Hawai'i.

Wolf—Alaska and parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Wyoming.

American Green Tree Frog—Southeastern United States.

Red Fox—Throughout most of the United States.

Barn Owl—Throughout most of the United States.

Photo by Getty Images. Sounds by AudioJungle and the National Park Service.

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