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Crafts Crafts Woodsy Wind Chimes

Woodsy Wind Chimes

What You’ll Need
  • 1-foot-long stick
  • paint
  • craft sticks
  • scissors
  • string
  • buttons
  • glue
  • hanger
What You’ll Do
  1. Find a 1-foot-long stick.
  2. Paint matching pairs of craft sticks. Let them dry.
  3. Cut long pieces of string. Tie one end of each to the stick. Tie buttons to the other end of each string. Glue the craft-stick pairs together with a string between them. Let them dry.
  4. Tie on a string as a hanger, and put the wind chimes where they’ll catch a breeze.


Craft samples by: Buff McAllister|Photo by: Guy Cali Associates, Inc.

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