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Crafts Crafts Sailboat Race

Sailboat Race

A Game for Two Players

What You’ll Need
  • small plastic lids
  • modeling clay
  • scissors
  • craft foam
  • glue
  • toothpicks
  • marker
  • pencil
  • plastic large-eyed needle
  • yarn
  • water
What You’ll Do
  1. For a boat, fill a small plastic lid with modeling clay. Cut a triangle from craft foam. Glue it to a toothpick. Stick the toothpick in the clay. Make a boat for each player.
  2. Cut off and discard the lid from a clean Styrofoam to-go container.
  3. Using a marker, divide the container’s base into five sections. Assign a score for each section.
  4. Poke holes along the edge of the container with a pencil. Using a plastic large-eyed needle, sew yarn through the holes, looping it around the edge of the container with each stitch.
How to Play


Photo by: Hank Schneider | Craft samples by: Buff McAllister

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